We are the go-to source for the supply of premium certified and new Oil Country Tubular Goods [OCTG], Drill Pipe, Drill Collars and Heavy Weight Drill Pipe [HWDP] already in circulation; ready to ship anywhere in the world. This is made possible thanks to our well-established global distribution network – providing a more environmentally friendly top-quality alternative to newly manufactured metals.

What makes our operation even slicker is our pipe inspection facility, enabling us to assess, grade and distribute our tubulars quicker than most. With an abundance of bundled stock on the ground and a bulging book of contacts amassed over 28 years in the oil and gas sectors for unrivalled buying power, we can offer you the shortest lead times. We can make last minute purchases through traders worldwide and can procure products directly from steel mills and ship them directly to where they need to be. 

Our recently opened US division (RAM Tubulars Inc) which is a sales, distribution and storage hub based in Houston, Texas, has enabled us to offer even more to our clients in the United States and Canada – bolstering our worldwide reputation for providing a start-finish logistical solution for the supply of tubular pipe products. 

Should you have a surplus of pipe that you wish to offload, we are always on the look-out for tubulars and casing that can be sold on or recycled for the right price. Do business with us and you will not only get a healthy return, but be swiftly reimbursed. We have the logistical know-how to get things moving – fast.